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Holy Spirit Energy

“God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think!” Have you ever used that portion of Scripture to encourage someone? It’s from Ephesians 3:20, and they are edifying words, but there’s more to that verse.

The entire verse reads, Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. God is able to do beyond anything you could ask or think, but God’s ability to move in and through you depends on you. According to is the word kata in Greek. It means by. The word worketh means activated and made efficient.

Satan is a Defeated Foe

Yes, you have victory over the devil, and you should shout about it! We got the victory over sin, sickness, death, poverty, and every other evil when Jesus rose from the dead. Having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. (Colossians 2:15)

1 John 3:8 confirms, For this purpose was the son of God manifest to destroy the works of the devil.

Jesus has already done all He is going to do in His fight against evil. Jesus defeated the devil, but Satan’s defeat must be enforced. You don’t have to fight, but you must implement Jesus’ victory, just as the United States sent military and administrative personnel to enforce victory and help rebuild Japan after they surrendered on September 2, 1945. The Americans who went to Japan enforced the World War II victory, but they didn’t necessarily fight for it. You are the enforcer of Jesus’ victory. Jesus shed His blood, went to hell in your place, and rose from the dead. Jesus fought the war for us, and although the hard part is done, we still have work to do.

How to Enforce Jesus’ Victory

You can’t enforce Jesus’ victory over the devil by your power; it can only be enforced by the Holy Spirit within you. The Greek word used in Ephesians 3:20 for power means energy. The Holy Spirit's energy in you is another phrase to describe grace power.

God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we could ask or think according to the manifestation of Holy Spirit energy in us. That power must be activated and efficiently utilized if you want to experience God’s exceeding abundant blessings, and it is activated by faith.

Many people are mad at God because they think if they prayed and believed God to handle a situation, God would handle everything. However, God has already handled everything! He has already given His Son to pay the price to redeem you from the power of the devil. You’ve got to live the victory Jesus paid for by faith. Yes, it will take effort on your part! God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think according to the manifestation of the Holy Ghost power inside you.

How to Activate Holy Spirit Energy

There’s nothing wrong with shouting the victory! Praise is powerful and is an expression of faith. Praise is important, but to live in the exceeding abundant blessings of God, especially when the devil is still walking around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour, we must do more than shout. We must resist [him] stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. (1 Peter 5:8-9)

Jesus outlined the devil’s favorite weapons in the parable of the sower. The devil uses affliction, persecution, cares of this world, deceitfulness of riches, and lust of other things to keep the power from working in you. Let’s define a few of the devil’s tactics. Affliction is pressure from circumstances. Persecution is a force put upon you from people. Cares of this world are worry, stress, and anxiety. Today’s world is filled with affliction and persecution against believers. And some people consider worry a positive activity, but it is not. The devil uses affliction, persecution, cares of this world, deceitfulness of riches, and lust of other things to choke your power.

How do you overcome the devil’s attacks and activate Holy Spirit energy?

First, remind yourself that Jesus already whipped the devil! He is a defeated foe.

Second, praise the Lord with a loud voice. Declare the victory Jesus has already won for you.

Third, do what James said in James 4:7. It reads, Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resistthe devil, and he will flee from you. Submit to God means do what He says. Obey His Word. Implement the five elements of faith by hearing God’s Word, receiving, believing, speaking, and acting on it. Doing those things will ignite the Holy Ghost energy in you and will bring about God’s exceeding abundant blessings!

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