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Supernatural Help to Get Where You’re Supposed to Be
Most Faith Leaders understand and appreciate the value of Helps Ministers. These are men and women who do a myriad of things that the...
The Other Side of God
When Jesus taught the Scribes and Pharisees about God's love, most of them rejected it because the Old Testament manifestations of God...
Your Covenant with God
If you run a church or business as a Faith Leader, you are probably familiar with contracts. My ministry base and home church, in...
Four Foundational Principles to Apply in Times of Testing
Faith Leader, I want to be honest with you and not sugar-coat the truth. So, here it is. You will face times of testing. This is not a...
Forgiveness and Restoration from Jail Ministry
I’m sure you’re familiar with the accomplishments of the Apostle Paul, but there’s one that hasn’t gotten much press over the years. He...
The Lord has been speaking to me recently about honor. Our society outside and inside the church has moved away from honor and, as a...
Why You Should Talk About Money
Everyone seems to have an opinion about topics pastors, teachers, and other Faith Leaders should and should not discuss from the pulpit,...
Love People to Life
I have known most of the major Spirit-filled Bible-teaching ministers of the 20th century, and I’ve had the privilege of speaking for...
Step Out to Fulfill Your God-Given Assignment
Faith Leaders fulfill many roles. Some are Senior Pastors; others are Assistant or Executive Pastors or Staff Ministers. We’ve got...
The Laying on of Hands and the Anointing
If you are walking in the supernatural power of God, don't be shocked if people in the world think you're odd. The things of God don't...
When Family Won't Follow
If you are a Faith Leader, someone is following you. If you're a pastor, your congregation follows you. If you're an influencer on social...
You Can't Do It Alone
When I began my ministry nearly fifty years ago, I did everything. I did hospital and bereavement visits, and I counseled people. I swept...
Leadership Mistakes
Jesus' last words before His ascension were to His eleven remaining apostles. Acts 1:8-9 begins with Jesus’ words. It says, but ye shall...
Continue to Trust in God
May I ask you a question, Faith Leader? Has God every brought you through a seemingly unsurmountable problem? Has He ever paid your bills...
The Great Responsibility of a Faith Leader
It’s an honor to be a leader of God’s people, but with that honor comes great responsibility. James 3:1 reminds us, my brethren, be not...
Something You Can Control
We live in a time and age when it seems like everything is out of control. Up is down; down is up; right is wrong, and wrong is right. We...
Holy Spirit Energy
“God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think!” Have you ever used that portion of Scripture to encourage...
Live Above Economic Problems by Giving
Everybody needs money in this life. Money is a tool. It buys food, pays for housing, clothing, gas, water, and electricity. While we need...
Love, Laugh, and Live Well
God wants you to love, laugh, and live well. Life is a gift from God, and we should respect it. Genesis 2:7 says, the Lord God formed man...
Are you Listening?
As a faith leader, people look to you for inspiration, encouragement, and leadership. But where do you get yours? Worldly leaders often...
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